Our Easy-To-Use Features are the reason you will LOVE ChiroTV Network!
User friendly features and operation so anyone can customize their channel in seconds. You do not have to be a techie to use ChiroTV Network but if you need us, we are always here.
New content automatically updates and plays each week, so you do not have to worry about it. Let us control everything except your custom content. Content includes a mix of HD full screen motion videos, slide presentations, background themes, and side text.
Custom Practice Slides
Custom Practice Slides feature adds your practice name to our library of slides that help promote products, services, events, holidays, and more. This gives it a more personalized touch on your waiting room TV.
Photo Ads
Promote all your products, services, technologies, events, or anything you want on the left side of your screen. Choose from our extensive library of ads or upload a picture and make your own. There are no extra charges to promote anything on your network.
Scrolling Ticker
Easily promote anything on the bottom of your screen and let it scroll. Type your own messages or get ideas from our library. You can even change the speed and color.
Custom Slide/Picture Integration
Insert your pictures or slides in between our weekly presentation. This great feature is a simple way to keep things always changing while at the same time emphasizing your custom slides and ideas.
YouTube/Video Integration
Add any of your own videos or any you can find on YouTube to your network. Have them display big or small on the screen and alternate with our other content. It’s like having limitless content at your fingertips.
Presentation/Playlist Options
You can choose whatever presentation you want to play from our library or leave it on Autopilot if you want us to control it. You can also upload your own slides/presentation and even build a long playlist of presentations if you wish. The sky is the limit!
Background Theme
We change the background theme each week for you if you choose Autopilot. If you want to make the background your own, we have a bunch of choices in our library and you can even upload your own if you want.
Practice Logo
This feature displays your practice logo on the left bottom of the screen. It is a nice personal touch and good for branding your practice.
Local Weather Forecast
Everyone wants to know the weather. This feature displays your local weather forecast on the left side of your screen and has a constant or intermittent setting.
QR codes
Creating and displaying QR codes for patients to easily scan with their mobile devices is a simple and effective way to direct them to specific website addresses or links. It's a convenient method for promoting and providing additional information about products, services, events, and social media platforms.
Music Player
Select from our library of royalty free music to play in the background of your network. Music is programmed to pause when YouTube videos play.
Patient Retention Extras
These are other ways to educate and promote. They come with your ChiroTV Network subscription at no additional cost.
CJ Mertz Retention Videos
Dr. CJ Mertz is a communication specialist when it comes to teaching about wellness care and principled chiropractic. The included videos were created specifically for ChiroTV Network subscribers. They can be used in your presentations or can be viewed on their own.
Facebook Posts
Each month we make available content to post and share on your Facebook page. Just another way to spread the message.
Website Player
Add the weekly slideshow to your website so your patients and practice members can learn even more while they are not in your practice. The more the better is what we always say.